Speedsters For Sale
1929 Model A Speedster
This will be Speedsters for Sale, will run Ad for two months and then removed unless there is a written request to extend. The NWVS does not in any way have an monetary interest or verify the authenticity of such ads. Our sole purpose for providing this new feature is the promotion of this very unique hobby and providing a method to keep these cars in use and not going to waste. Member’s Ads will first appear in SPINOUT and then appear here. Non member’s Ads, from the West Coast area, will only appear here and for the stated time frame. Photos will be included, when provided. This feature was approved by members at the June 18, 2014 Business meeting.
DUE to Malware problems mailing addresses will not be provided, nor email or telephone numbers in usual format. Contact Web Master for mailing addresses.
There are currently no vehicle listings.