1994 12th
Labor Day Run
Catch The Goose
McMinnville, OR


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Our 12th annual endurance run has come and gone! Once again our main event drew a new record participation, with 52 cars registered 'and 49 actually starting. It was very interesting to see cars we had not seen before out and running: some were from out of the area and some were from the garages of our existing members! Thank you one and all for making the effort and participating once more. I hope that this was the first of many events for all you new people.

Saturday morning had clouds with patches of blue showing, so we all were hopeful that clearing was imminent. As soon as we got equipment out to begin setting up the clouds closed in and the rains came!  Trucks and trailers kept rolling in, so we went on working and soon had the inspection shelters up. By noon the clouds broke and it looked better and better.
Soon inspections were under way and still the tow rigs kept coming. Cars from far away, new cars and rebuilt old cars: they all were here for everyone to nose around and say "look how he did it"!   By the time inspections were done, Bob rounded up everyone for a shakedown over to see the "Spruce Goose". There was a very interesting and detailed tour of the Goose, but one of the best parts was seeing 50 speedsters all running together!
Sunday looked like a good weather day and it was. The route east out of McMinnville wandered through rolling farmland and onto gravel within 30 minutes of the start! Curving northwest the route soon was in scrub patches of trees, then higher into real trees and west into the coastal mountains. The curving pass road soon was all gravel with the trees touching overhead to make softly lighted forest tunnels with only a patch of sunlight here and there. On down the western slope the air smelled more like sea air. Not long after lunch at the grange and welcome relief stops, the glitter of Oregon surf came into view. A magnificent run along the Oregon capes in the bright sun was a perfect highlight to a wonderfully scenic run.
Soon we were back up into the river canyons of the coast range, and headed east. Platter fields of wheat let us know we were back into the interior. 42 speedsters made it home under their own power!  A magical day for one and all-truly the dream does live on.

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