1999 17th |
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The 17th annual Labor Day speedster run was held in Spokane, WA. The name, Dusty Trails, turned out to be a very appropriate name, as was proven later in the day. | ||||
Cars started arriving on Friday afternoon. By approximately 9:00 A.M., Saturday morning, the inspection was setup and ready to go. After the inspection of each car was completed, the driver was then instructed to drive across the street for picture taking. Meanwhile the hospitality room opened and everyone feasted on goodies and beef sandwiches provided by the Spokane Model T Club members. The room had plenty of space to sit and visit or one could go outside where tables and chairs were set up. The parking lot was constant activity as members visited, looked at speedsters and some brought along picture albums of cars being built. The front of the motel had a small covered area where chairs were setup and that area was always an area of activity and visiting anytime of the day or evening. | ||||
Sunday morning saw sunshine provided for the morning start at 8:30 A.M. Cars were lined up and ready to go. Due to some miscalculation, it was probably the longest line to ever drive past the green flag. The drivers and navigators of the cars at the far end got some exercise while walking back to their cars after receiving their maps! | ||||
There were several unplanned challenges as the roads were more washboard and dustier than usual over the summer down in the wheat country. Possibly the greatest challenge heard about though was Farwell Road hill. One heard of stalled cars, cars lined up waiting for their turn, cars climbing the hill backwards, among unmentionable words floating around. However, the tour chairmen and route chairmen had no problem with the hill when setting up the tour. Part of the route was eliminated early on as the three above mentioned became stuck in mud up to the axles on their speedsters on one outing. A rain storm hit and stuck they were. At one check point there was a bath tub waiting at the end of one of the above mentioned country roads, in case anyone wanted to clean up before journeying on. | ||||
The maps were done a little differently for this tour. Marith McCoul ran them from her computer and printer, so every map was marked the same. No extra lines or marking farther on the map than should be. | ||||
The banquet was held at the Double Tree Hotel as there were no banquet facilities available at the host motel. The Vern Story Trophy was awarded to Ed Jepperson by Cheri and Kent Story. Ed was very appreciative of this award. Vern was one of Ed's speedster buddies and it made the award even more special. | ||||
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